Louisiana GATOR Scholarship Program Service Providers
This page includes information and answers to frequently asked questions from participating and potential service providers in the LA GATOR Scholarship Program. Don't see what you are looking for? Submit a help ticket or contact us at help.la@withodyssey.com or 225-422-1538.
Service Provider Eligibility
An entity that is not a BESE-approved school that provides goods or services that are considered qualified education expenses under LA GATOR is eligible to participate in LA GATOR as a service provider. All service providers must complete and submit an online application and make the required attestations for providers of its type. The application for service providers will remain open for a rolling application process.
Types of Service Providers
Along with nonpublic school tuition and fees, the LA GATOR Scholarship Program allows participating families to use their funds for a variety of qualifying education expenses offered by approved service providers. Participating service providers can include a business, individual, nonprofit organization, city or parish public school, public charter school, or other entity that offers educational materials, courses, or educational services that are qualifying ESA expenses.
An LA GATOR service provider must apply as one of three types of service providers:
- Full-Time Student-Facing Providers: Service providers who are responsible for the full-time education of participating students; these providers directly interact with students while delivering educational services (e.g. microschools, online schools, etc. that are not BESE-approved)
- Part-Time Student-Facing Providers: Service providers who offer educational goods or services to students on a part-time basis. They engage directly with students while delivering these educational services (e.g., tutors, therapists, public schools with individual courses or special education services)
- Vendors: Service providers who offer educational goods or services and do not directly engage with participating students (e.g., retailers, curriculum providers, educational assessment providers)
Public School Participation
Public school services, including educational classes, are an allowable expense for families participating in the LA GATOR Scholarship Program. Public School Governing Authorities that would like to have one or more of their schools provide offerings for LA GATOR must submit an application that includes a letter from their superintendent confirming the school’s ability to participate as a service provider, a copy of each school’s disciplinary policies, a description of educational qualifications, and attestations that are required by program policy.
Public School Governing Authorities will need to have a Stripe account to accept payments from families through the Odyssey platform.
LA GATOR service providers will include local educational agencies, who may provide services to LA GATOR participants with disabilities through traditional and charter public schools. Local educational agencies participating in the LA GATOR program are required to comply with the requirements of Louisiana and federal law applicable to public agencies receiving federal funding (e.g. the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973). Students with disabilities who receive services from a local educational agency through the LA GATOR program shall be considered parentally-placed, private school students under relevant state and federal law, most notably Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:1941 et seq.
Application and program support
The LDOE has partnered with Odyssey to manage the program’s application process and marketplace. Odyssey is operating the program’s call center and help desk.
Odyssey has also made a suite of information and resources available to service providers, including a video tutorial that walks through the application process.