Young Children with Disabilities

Early Childhood Special Education Supporting Early Identification

Louisiana believes that all children, including those with the most significant cognitive disabilities, deserve an education that prepares them to be independent and successful in life.

Early childhood programs, school systems and families: 
  • need access to resources and materials that help them develop a strong understanding of developmental milestones; 

  • have a clear plan for what to do when children need additional support; and 

  • implement specialized and related supports for children so that they have an opportunity to learn in the least restrictive environment.

OSEP Reporting for Early Childhood Special Education

The U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) mandates reporting of child progress data for preschool children funded through IDEA Part B, Section 619. Preschool outcomes (Indicator 7) are measured through Teaching Strategies GOLD OSEP for all children who receive early childhood special education (ECSE) services.