Instructional Materials Reviews

Instructional materials are one of the most important tools educators use in the classroom to enhance student learning. It is critical that they fully align to state standards—what students are expected to learn and be able to do at the end of each grade level or course—and are high quality if they are to provide meaningful instructional support.

The Louisiana Department of Education is committed to ensuring that every classroom has access to a high-quality curriculum. In Louisiana, all districts are able to purchase instructional materials that are best for their local communities since those closest to students are best positioned to decide which instructional materials are appropriate for their district and classrooms.

Support for Local School Systems

To support local school systems in making their own local, high-quality decisions, the Louisiana Department of Education leads online reviews of instructional materials. The tiered reviews describe the degree of alignment with state content standards. Each local school system should determine if their use is appropriate to meet the educational needs of their students.

The Department also offers districts textbooks policy guidance which outlines the choices school systems have when adopting textbooks and other instructional materials.

High-Quality Professional Learning (HQPL)

High-Quality Professional Learning (HQPL) is led by a knowledgeable facilitator using a cycle of learning over a period of time and includes ongoing collaboration and coaching, and transfer into classrooms. HQPL begins with student and teacher academic needs and supports the implementation of high-quality instructional materials, leading to increased student outcomes.

School systems can use the Instructional Materials Professional Learning Partner Guide to identify partners who provide initial and ongoing support for high-quality instructional materials (HQIM). The guide identifies partners who specialize in helping districts and schools with designing and implementing a cohesive academic system focused on high-quality curriculum, professional learning, and curriculum-embedded assessment.

Currently Under Review: 2024-2025 Review Cycle

The online instructional materials review focuses on materials in:

  • K-12 science full courses and
  • K-12 social studies full courses.

Instructional Materials Review Weekly Report


Science and social studies materials can be submitted year-round. See the Publisher's Guide for IMR Submission below for details.

Vendors interested in being included in the Instructional Materials Professional Learning Partner Guide or requesting edits to their current entry should follow the steps outlined in the IM PLPG Submission and Review Process.

Public Comment 

Parents and other members of the public are invited to participate in the review process. Once released for public review, materials are open for public comment for a period of four weeks. To submit a public comment, contributors must agree to the rules for participation.


Comments submitted will be made available to the public. Comments will be posted as part of the completed reviews posted on the Curricular Resources Annotated Reviews page.

The Department will not verify the accuracy or validity of public comments, nor do public comments reflect the opinions or policies of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education or the State Superintendent of Education.

Materials for Public Review

Vendor Partnership Opportunities

Every day in Louisiana, educators are committed to ensuring that every child and school has the opportunity to grow and thrive. The Louisiana Department of Education values its partnerships with vendors who are able to increase the state’s capacity to ultimately provide the best to Louisiana’s students. The list below is not an exhaustive one but seeks to highlight the most commonly-inquired opportunities for vendors.

Professional Learning Partner Guide