EdLink is where Louisiana early childhood providers must submit renewal applications, update staff information, request changes, and capture attendance for children you serve. Several training sessions are scheduled to assist you with submitting applications and managing your site using EdLink. Training exists for all CCAP Providers and Licensed providers.
Submit a support ticket if you are experiencing system issues with EdLink.
An EdLink Support Team Member will address your issue as soon as possible.
General EdLink Training for All Providers
Edlink New/Existing User Set-Up and AccessEdlink Security-Requesting Site Roles VideoStaff Management: Add, Edit, and Archive VideoEntity Management and Edit Entity Change Applications VideoEntity Change Application User GuideEntity Role DescriptionsFinancial Management VideoResetting PasswordScanning and Uploading DocumentsComputer BasicsDecember 2024/January 2025 Edlink Training Event Calendar
Licensed Providers
Type I New/Renewal Application VideoType II New Application VideoType III New/Renewal Application User GuideType III Application New/Renewal VideoOwnership Management (Change of Ownership) User Guide 2024-2025Change of Ownership Instructions for Current Owners VideoChange of Ownership Instructions for New Owners Video
Provider Certification Providers
Edlink Provider Feedback
EdLink Data Manager Webinar Slides
KinderConnect/CCAP Providers
For the new time and attendance system concerns with KinderConnect, dial 1-888-829-9258 or email us at supportLA@kindersystems.com for further assistance.