The Division of School Improvement within the Office of Teaching Learning exists to provide differentiated and targeted support to school systems and leaders in the implementation of LDOE School Improvement Best Practices.
School Improvement is a systematic approach by which schools employ evidenced-based best practices to increase educator effectiveness and student achievement. This work is grounded in the Department's priority of cultivating high-impact systems, structures, and partnerships.Our division provides support to system leaders in the implementation of High Quality Professional Learning structures (HQPL) on school campuses. These include:
- Instructional Leadership Teams (ILT) consist of leaders who serve in various capacities within the school who engage in collaborative actions to build capacity and make decisions to improve teaching and learning.
- Teacher Collaboration (TC) promotes teacher development by providing teachers with weekly, job-embedded learning that is facilitated by a skilled educator to meet the needs of students.
School Support Institutes
School Support Institutes build the instructional capacity of school-based instructional leadership teams by providing the most current and relevant professional learning to establish and maintain coherent, well-organized instructional programs that meet the diverse needs of all students.
School Support Institutes Overview and Registration 2024-2025
School Support Institutes Overview and Registration 2025-2026
System Leader Regional Collaborations
In 2024-2025, the Office of Teaching and Learning will be hosting System Leader Regional Collaborations. These targeted sessions will address the statewide teaching and learning strategy including designing instructional program coherence for students, building leadership capacity at the school level, and ensuring system coherence.
System Leader Regional Collaborations will be held in the afternoon on the same dates and at the same venues as School Support Institutes