Early Childhood Educators and Classrooms

Early Childhood Classroom Resources and Initiatives

The Department provides access to various classroom resources and initiatives that support improved teacher-child interactions and learning experiences. The resources and initiatives listed below provide guidance and support to early childhood teachers and program directors across program types.

2025 LDOE Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS)

Early Childhood Developmental Screenings Guidebook

Early Childhood Classroom Supports

Classroom Video Library

CLASS® is a research-based system of measurements used to evaluate, and improve teacher-child interactions. In Louisiana, all publicly-funded child care, Head Start, and pre-K classrooms receive at least two CLASS® observations a year. These observations are used to calculate Early Childhood Performance Ratings, reported each fall on Site and Network Performance Profiles.

In order to support teachers in Louisiana’s Head Start, pre-K, and child care programs, the Louisiana Department of Education along with the Cecil J. Picard Center at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette has developed a set of videos with quality examples of the domains and dimensions within the Pre-K and Toddler versions of the CLASS® tool. These high-quality examples were filmed in Louisiana classrooms.

A focus text of each clip relating to the categorized CLASS® dimension is hyperlinked below the video.


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