Collaborative Leadership for Student Success


LDOE Advisory Groups

The Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) facilitates over a dozen councils, committees, task forces, and other state advisory groups, including those groups enacted by legislation, federal regulations, BESE directive, or department initiatives. Some groups are established to provide continuous input and guidance on broad recurring issues or topics while others are created on a temporary basis for a specific purpose with a limited scope and duration. Composed of stakeholders from across the state, these volunteers dedicate their time to collaborating on solutions to improve outcomes for Louisiana children and families. 

LDOE also partners with BESE, the legislature, and other state agencies to serve on additional advisory groups.

View Meetings on the LDOE YouTube Channel

Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE)

BESE has created a number of advisory groups to assist in carrying out its duties and responsibilities. Information on BESE meetings and the following advisory councils, task forces, and commissions can be found on the BESE website.

BESE YouTube Channel BESE Materials on BoardDocs

Accountability Council

Established through R.S. 17:3883 and Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) policy contained in Bulletin 111, Louisiana School, District, and State Accountability System, the Accountability Council advises BESE and LDOE regarding matters involving school and district accountability. In particular, it is responsible for working with BESE to make revisions under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). the accountability system for all public schools to improve student academic achievement and school success.

Accountability Council Materials

Advisory Council on Student Behavior and Discipline

Established through RS 17:253, the Advisory Council on Student Behavior and Discipline was developed to provide advice and guidance to the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) and the LDOE regarding best practices in providing support to public school governing authorities in the adoption and implementation of each school's master plan for student behavior and discipline as provided in R.S. 17:252.

Advisory Council on Student Behavior and Discipline Materials

Agriculture Education Commission

Established through RS 17:185.4, the Agricultural Education Commission was created for the purpose of providing guidance and advice to the state superintendent of education and the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) regarding agricultural education programs and activities in elementary and secondary schools.

Agriculture Education Commission Materials

Early Childhood Care and Education Advisory Council

Established through  RS 17:407.51, the Early Childhood Care and Education Advisory Council provides input and guidance to BESE and the LDOE on matters pertaining to the development and implementation of rules, regulations, bulletins, policies, or standards related to all early care and education programs, including early learning centers, enrollment in early learning centers, the Cecil J. Picard LA 4 Early Childhood Program, the Child Care and Development Fund Block Grant, the Child Care Assistance Program, Early Head Start, and Head Start.

Early Childhood Care and Education Advisory Council Materials

Early Childhood Care and Education Commission

Established through RS 17:407.101, the Early Childhood Care and Education Commission was developed for the purpose of building on the foundation established by Act 3 of the 2012 Regular Session to create a vision for the future of early childhood care and education in Louisiana.

Early Childhood Care and Education Commission Materials

Louisiana Environmental Education Commission

Established through RS 17:202, the Louisiana Environmental Education Commission was created to develop, review, and transmit a plan for environmental education to the governor, the legislature, and the public. 

Louisiana Environmental Education Commission Materials

Louisiana Literacy Advisory Commission

Established through RS 17:410.11, the Louisiana Literacy Advisory Commission was created within the LDOE for the purpose of providing recommendations for improving, strengthening, and supporting literacy in Louisiana.

Louisiana Literacy Advisory Commission Materials

Special Education Advisory Panel

The Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP) advises and assists the LDOE with the provision of free and appropriate public education for individuals with disabilities. It exists by authority of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to provide guidance on special education programs and services.
Special Education Advisory Panel Materials

Teacher Certification Appeals Council

The Teacher Certification Appeals Council administers an appeals process authorized in RS 17:8.8, which provides for the circumstances under which an applicant who has been denied certification may appeal the decision.

Teacher Certification Appeals Council Materials

Teachers Advisory Council

Established through Senate Concurrent Resolution 33 of the 2022 Regular Session, Louisiana State Superintendent of Education Dr. Cade Brumley developed the Teachers Advisory Council to enhance teacher voice and gather educator feedback on current education initiatives and how Louisiana can continue to improve student outcomes.