To teach in a Louisiana public school, teachers must be certified. Teachers are certified by completing an approved teacher preparation program – either an undergraduate program or a post-baccalaureate program and passing certain tests of teaching knowledge and skill.
New to Louisiana, but taught in another state?
If you currently hold a standard out-of-state teaching certificate, learn more about Louisiana's Out of State Application Process.Career Pathways for Existing Educators
Become a Louisiana Mentor Teacher or Louisiana Content Leader
- Apply to become a Louisiana Teacher or Principal of the Year
Become an Educational Leader
If you would like to become a school and/or school system leader, you can obtain an educational leadership certification through either a master’s degree program or through one of three alternate pathways. All pathways include a final assessment and certification application as outlined in the Leadership Preparation Routes Leading to Educational Leader Certification.All pathways to the EDL1 license require the successful completion of either the Praxis (SLLA) or the Louisiana Leadership Assessment Series (LLAS). Visit these links for more information.