School Choice Program for Certain Students with Exceptionalities

School Choice Program for Certain Students with Exceptionalities

The School Choice Program for Certain Students with Exceptionalities empowers families of qualifying students with the financial resources to choose the school that will best address their students' needs. Students with disabilities in some school districts may be eligible. This program provides families with tuition assistance to send their special needs child to an eligible participating school with special needs programs.

Tuition assistance is 50% of the state per pupil funding for the student's school district (approximately $2,500) and cannot exceed the cost of the private school tuition. Families are responsible for paying the difference if tuition exceeds that amount.

Student Eligibility

Students wishing to attend a nonpublic school in parishes with a population of 190,000 or more are eligible for this program. Those parishes include:

  • Caddo
  • Calcasieu
  • East Baton Rouge
  • Jefferson
  • Lafayette
  • Orleans
  • St. Tammany

For more information about the School Choice Program for Students with Exceptionalities, including eligibility requirements and participating schools, please see the School Choice Program Family Participation Guide.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Office of School Choice at

School Choice Program Family Participation Guide

Nonpublic School Eligibility

To be eligible to participate in the program, a non-public school must be both BESE approved and Brumfield v. Dodd compliant. In addition, eligible schools must be located in a parish with a recent census population greater than 190,000 residents and must be prepared to serve students with exceptionalities, as demonstrated by a history of serving students with exceptionalities over the past two years and teachers on staff who have appropriate certificates in special education.

All schools wishing to participate in the School Choice Program for Certain Students with Exceptionalities must complete the following annually:

  • BESE Application
  • Brumfield v. Dodd Application
  • NOI (Notice of Intent) Form
More information about participation requirements can be found in the School Choice Program FAQ.

School Choice Program School Participation Guide