Louisiana’s Course Choice policy enhances transparency, accountability, and parental involvement in student course selection. School systems will work in tandem with families, allowing them to be on the same page about available Course Choice opportunities, funding priorities, and course eligibility while guiding students in selecting courses that align with their educational and career goals.
Priority 1: Seniors who require a course in order to graduate or student access to TOPS aligned courses not available through the school or school system.
Priority 2: Students enrolling in courses required to complete an associate degree in a Fast Forward pathway or a certificate of technical studies aligned to high wage, high demand jobs or work-based learning.
Priority 3: Students seeking access to TOPS aligned college credit.
Priority 4: Students enrolled in a Comprehensive Intervention Required (CIR) or Urgent Intervention Required for Academics (UIR-A) schools.
Priority 5: Access to high quality academic content aligned to graduation requirements or access to high quality career and technical content aligned to the Louisiana IBC state focus list which can be offered as recovery credit.
Priority 6: Students seeking coursework to increase a student score on a nationally recognized assessment (ACT, SAT, CLT, WorkKeys, or ASVAB) as defined in LAC 28:XI.1711 Bulletin 111.
Priority 7: Other priorities defined by the school system, approved by LDOE, and included in the School System’s pupil progression plan prior to the student enrollment process
Course Choice School Level Information
This academic year, schools will register students directly with Course Providers. The Course Choice Registration Procedures provides details on how to contact Course Providers to register students.
Once students are properly registered, schools should document the enrollments in the SCA Reporting Tool.
To access your account go to http://lacourses.net/. Select login, forgot password. Enter your e-mail address. You can then reset your password to access the system. If you receive a message indicating you don’t have an account, please send an email to SCA@la.gov requesting an account. Please include your school name and school district in the body of the message.
Students will enroll with dual enrollment providers as they have traditionally, by completing an application via the Professional School Counselor.