Jump Start is Louisiana’s innovative career and technical education (CTE) program. Jump Start prepares students to lead productive adult lives, capable of continuing their education after high school while earning certifications in high-wage career sectors.
Students are required to attain industry-promulgated, industry-valued credentials in order to graduate with a Career Diploma. (Jump Start is an elective path for students pursuing a university-preparatory diploma.)Schools receive the same accountability grade credit for preparing students for careers in high-demand job sectors as they do for students who achieve top academic honors.
Jump Start 2.0
The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) approved 11 Jump
Start 2.0 pathways, along with a waiver process for facilitating changes
late in students’ progressions. As a condition of approving the
pathways, the board commissioned a panel that includes CTE directors to
bring back to BESE further adjustments to Jump Start 2.0, including
further universal courses.
Fast ForwardJump Start Graduation PathwaysJump Start Industry Credential Fact SheetsQuest for SuccessJump Start Policy and Program ImplementationJump Start Meetings and Training OpportunitiesJump Start ResourcesWork-based Learning GuidelinesBuilding Quality CTE ProgramsEmployers’ Guide to Building Internship Programs