BESE-Approved Nonpublic Schools
More than 100,000 students are enrolled in Louisiana nonpublic schools approved by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE). Nonpublic schools may choose to seek BESE approval as a Nonpublic School Seeking State Approval, but it is not required.
Nonpublic Schools Seeking State Approval
In order to receive state and federal funding, nonpublic schools in Louisiana must be approved by BESE and be compliant with the nondiscrimination requirements of Brumfield v. Dodd. The nonpublic school approval process is intended to confirm that schools utilize “a curriculum of quality at least equal to that prescribed for similar public schools," as required by the Louisiana Constitution. Additional accountability measures apply for eligible nonpublic schools that participate in the (LSP) Louisiana Scholarship Program, (SCP) School Choice Program for Certain Students with Exceptionalities La.R.S. 17:4013, and/or (TDC) Tuition Donation Credit Program to partner with one or more (STO) School Tuition Organization.
Benefits of State Approval
Graduates from Nonpublic Schools seeking state approval are eligible for TOPS, a state merit-based scholarship program for Louisiana residents. To be approved by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), schools must offer an education comparable to the quality of public schools. Graduates from confirmed Nonpublic Schools Seeking State Approval are eligible for TOPS, a state-funded college scholarship program.
2025-2026 Nonpublic School BESE-Approval Application
Nonpublic Schools Seeking State Approval must apply annually for approval by BESE. To become eligible for state and federal funding, schools must be approved by BESE and also comply with Brumfield v. Dodd, a federal court order that prohibits discrimination.
Step 1: Review the Nonpublic School Approval Document Submission Process Checklist
Step 2: Complete a 2025-2026 Nonpublic School BESE-Approval Application.
Step 3: If you are seeking BESE and Brumfield v. Dodd approval, complete the necessary Brumfield v. Dodd application “UPLOAD” sections within the BESE application.
Step 4: All required documents must be completed and submitted as a part of your BESE application by to be considered for BESE approval.
2025-2026 BESE Approval Application
BESE-Approved Nonpublic Schools Annual Reporting
The annual enrollment report window for all nonpublic schools approved by BESE (Nonpublic School Seeking State Approval) is now closed.
Bulletin 741 requires that an administrator for each nonpublic school submit the annual enrollment data for the grade levels approved by BESE.
The annual enrollment report window for all nonpublic schools approved by BESE (Nonpublic Schools Seeking State Approval) to submit their school’s 2024-2025 annual enrollment data opens early September and closes on October 15.
To request access to Edlink and complete the annual enrollment report, you will need to follow the steps in the manual provided below.