Louisiana Pre-Educator Pathway

The ultimate mission of the Louisiana Pre-Educator Pathway is to cultivate highly skilled educators by guiding young people on a path to becoming accomplished teachers, beginning in high school and extending through college and into the profession. Through high-quality curriculum focusing on best practices, classroom environment, professional collaboration, understanding assessments, and authentic engagement, the pathway aims to address workforce needs related to the recruitment and retention of teachers while expanding Grow Your Own initiatives across the state of Louisiana.

The Louisiana Pre-Educator Pathway is a Hybrid JumpStart 2.0 Pathway for both TOPS University and TOP Tech students and is a state-wide credential with Basic and Advanced credentials on the Work Investment Council state focus list.

Students enrolled in the Pathway complete two education focused courses (Learning Communities & Foundations of Education) and two portfolio based microcredentials while participating in classroom and clinical experiences that propel them on their path to become a highly effective educator.

Questions? Contact believeandprepare@la.gov