STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) encompasses the knowledge, skills, and ways of investigating and making sense of our world that are essential to each of the STEM disciplines (from National Research Council, 2014):
- Science refers to both the body of knowledge that explains our natural world as well as the practices we engage in to build this knowledge.
Technology is any human-designed tool or process that solves a problem.
Engineering is a body of knowledge about the design and creation of technology as well as the process and practices we engage in to solve problems.
- Mathematics is the study of patterns and relationships among quantities, numbers, and space, including logical arguments and claims.
Students who engage in quality STEM experiences are better equipped to respond to life’s challenges and make informed decisions as empowered members of society. Engineering design offers students an opportunity to develop their problem-solving abilities, which in turn supports the foundations of math problem solving and algebraic processes. Scientific thinking and understanding are useful tools, not just for scientists and other STEM professionals, but for our students as they approach complex challenges in their everyday lives.
STEM Quick Links
STEM Teacher Leader Advisors
STEM Teacher Leader Advisors play an influential role in:
- the creation of STEM resources and tools for K-12 educators;
professional learning needs for future work; and
supporting schools and systems to broaden STEM education.
Apply and Learn More About Teacher Leader Advisors
K-12 Quality STEM Implementation Guide
The Quality STEM Implementation Guide offers support to system leaders, school administrators, and K-12 educators, ensuring all students across Louisiana have access to high-quality STEM experiences. This document provides information regarding STEM literacy, K-8 STEM resources, 9-12 STEM Pathways, STEM awards, competitions, and clubs.
K-8 STEM Resource Approval Process
The K-8 STEM Resource Approval Process guarantees that students and teachers in grades K-8 have access to high-quality instructional resources for STEM education across Louisiana. This process approves the K-8 STEM resources outlined in the Quality STEM Implementation Guide, ensuring students receive meaningful STEM experiences that align with the Louisiana STEM Pathways and other STEM courses offered in grades 9-12.
STEM Pathways
The Louisiana Department of Education, the Louisiana Board of Regents, the LaSTEM Advisory Council and the Governor’s office have teamed up to ensure Louisiana’s students have exposure to STEM courses and credentials starting in elementary school and continuing through college.The Louisiana STEM Pathways are part of the Jump Start Initiative, Louisiana’s innovative career and technical education (CTE) program. The STEM Pathways better prepare students to seek a STEM degree in college or enter the workforce having earned certifications in high-wage career sectors. STEM Pathways are designed for students seeking either a TOPS Tech Diploma or University Diploma.
Current Pathways
Archived Pathways
STEM Pathway Counselor Tool
The STEM Pathway Counselor Scheduling Tool is designed to assist counselors in scheduling students who enter grade 9 in the 2024-2025 school year using the STEM Renaissance Pathways.
STEM Pathway Counselor Scheduling Tool
STEM Pathway External Provider Course Approval Process
The STEM Pathway Approval Process ensures that all students and teachers receive high-quality instructional materials and training for STEM education in Louisiana. Potential Pathway providers will need to download the external provider course approval document. PDF Applications are not being accepted. The application window will re-open on this webpage on July 1, 2025.