CCAP Providers

Child Care Assistance Program

Child Care Providers who wish to participate in the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) must apply through the online CAFÉ system.

Louisiana exempts from its licensing requirements child care centers in schools, family child care and in-home providers. However, this exemption does not endanger children who receive services.

Schools are subject to health and safety laws and regulations found in BESE Bulletins; inspected by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals; and inspected by the Office of State Fire Marshal.

Family child care and in-home providers are regulated by the Louisiana "Family Child Care Provider and In-Home Child Care Provider Registration Law", which prescribes safety and health requirements and are inspected by the Office of State Fire Marshal.

For Licensed exempt providers – Family child care providers and in-home providers are inspected twice annually, one announced and one unannounced in the home/residence where care is being provided.  CCAP school providers are monitored once annually by desk audit and review of other inspection reports.

View the Provider Type Descriptions

Ready to Apply?

FIRST, review the application packet and the provider requirements.

SECOND, read Getting Started with CAFÉ manual or watch the Getting Started with CAFÉ’ Webinar. This provides step-by-step screenshots and instructions to assist you with your online application process.

THIRD, begin your CCAP provider application by visiting the CAFÉ Provider Portal.