August 13, 2020

BESE approves recommendations from Louisiana business and industry professionals, K-12 educators and higher education leaders to enhance Jump Start 2.0 Pathways

BATON ROUGE, La. -- The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) approved additions to the Louisiana Department of Education’s Jump Start 2.0 initiative during their August meeting that will expand career courses, pathways and industry-based certifications available to students prior to graduation.

Jump Start is Louisiana's career and technical education (CTE) program. It prepares students to lead productive adult lives, capable of continuing their education after high school while earning certifications in high-wage career sectors. Students are required to attain industry-promulgated, industry-valued credentials in order to graduate with a Career Diploma. Jump Start is an elective path for students pursuing a university-preparatory diploma.

"It's our goal to ensure every child is prepared for a career or college when they graduate high school," said State Superintendent of Education Dr. Cade Brumley. "These enhancements are a testament to strong collaborations between our department, the business community and local educators."

The goal of Jump Start 2.0 is to provide students with a clear path to success. This includes streamlining pathways to better prepare students to earn capstone credentials that are aligned with employability, rigor and career quality. In order for Louisiana's economy to thrive, students need to enter into the workforce prepared for high-quality jobs.

The Department convened a panel consisting of members from Louisiana Economic Development, Louisiana Workforce Commission, Louisiana Board of Regents, BESE, small school system CTE representation, large school system CTE representation and LDOE.

The enhancements include:

  • Universal courses expanded to include an additional 19 courses such as customer service, foreign language, STAR, accounting, law studies and biodefense in the workforce
  • Industry-based certifications added to multiple pathways including Adobe Suite, FAA Part 107, Operation Spark and GIS
  • Emerging industry-based certifications added including OSHA 10, certified restaurant server, ServSafe food handler, Microsoft Access and I-Car student certification
  • Courses added to multiple pathways such as desktop publishing, geometry and publications
  • K16 pathways, including STEM and pre-educator, updated to include additional courses such as dual enrollment academic and CTE courses

"Jump Start 2.0 is poised to provide our students with the skills they need for success in Louisiana's workforce," said BESE Member At-Large Dr. Belinda Davis. "Our pathways were crafted by business leaders and career and technical educators to ensure that student needs are met and that graduates are leaving our programs ready for employment."

Jump Start 2.0 seeks to streamline pathways in order to better prepare students for success. The three pillars are: 

  1. Every Jump Start Career Diploma student graduates having demonstrated success in the workplace, preparing them to work in a high-wage, high-growth industry. 
  2. Every Louisianan knows and values the Jump Start Career Diploma path as fluently as the TOPS University path. 
  3. Community leaders create systems that bridge education and employment, without state intervention, throughout Louisiana.

"The Jump Start 2.0 additions will allow students to explore a variety of careers before choosing a pathway," said West Feliciana Parish Schools Director of Accountability Georgia Dudley. "The additional IBCs on the pathways encourage students to pursue certifications that are relevant to multiple careers. We are excited about the increased options for students and know they will help students be more well-rounded in their fields of study."

The LDOE has also created Strong Start 2020 guidance systems and schools can use for CTE instruction during modified operations caused by COVID-19. This includes resources for implementing CTE instruction, CTE curriculum guidance and a CTE curriculum guide.

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