March 6, 2024
Applications accepted now through April 8

(Baton Rouge, LA) - The Louisiana Department of Education is seeking applications for membership on the Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP), which advises and assists the LDOE with the provision of free and appropriate public education for individuals with disabilities across the state. It exists by authority of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and BESE policy to provide guidance on special education programs and services.

Members of SEAP represent public and private sectors that by virtue of their position, interest, or training can contribute information regarding the education of students with disabilities. Fifty-one percent of the members must be parents of a child with a disability (ages birth through 26) or individuals with disabilities. SEAP will meet as a group approximately four to five times a year in Baton Rouge.

Current SEAP vacancies include: parent of a child with a disability (ages birth through 26), individual with a disability, teacher, representative of an institution of higher education that prepares special education and related services personnel, administrator of a program for children with disabilities, representative of a private school, representative of the State juvenile or adult corrections agency.

Prospective members should consider their ability to fulfill the time commitment necessary to attend all meetings. Failure to attend two panel meetings in a year may result in review by the state educational agency for possible recommendation for termination.

Only emailed PDF applications will be accepted. Anyone interested in serving on the panel should send their completed application to specialeducation@la.gov by April 8.
