Louisiana State Superintendent of Education

Dr. Cade Brumley | Louisiana State Superintendent of Education

Dr. Cade Brumley has served as Louisiana State Superintendent of Education since 2020, bringing a "back to basics" approach that has driven significant improvements in educational outcomes. Under his leadership, Louisiana achieved its highest-ever rankings on national evaluations like The Nation’s Report Card and U.S. News & World Report. A joint study by Harvard and Stanford, the Education Recovery Scorecard, highlighted Louisiana as one of only three states where students have surpassed pre-pandemic reading levels, a testament to the state's Science of Reading-based literacy initiatives, which have transformed reading instruction.

Dr. Brumley also launched the Let Teachers Teach workgroup to prioritize teacher voice and reduce classroom disruptions, empowering educators to focus on instruction. His tenure has expanded educational freedom across the state, introducing Louisiana’s first education scholarship account and increasing access to school choice options, including charter schools, home study, and learning pods.

A lifelong Louisiana native, Dr. Brumley has dedicated his career to improving the lives of students, serving as a teacher, coach, school leader, and system leader before being appointed to his current role.

Advanced Louisiana's National Education Rankings

Louisiana has earned its highest marks ever on prominent national education rankings. Louisiana PK-12 education has jumped from 46th to 40th in the U.S. News & World Report Best States rankings. On NAEP (The Nation’s Report Card), Louisiana led the nation in reading growth and the state's overall standing improved from 46th to 42nd.
Dr. Brumley and a student
Student Science Project

Positioned Louisiana as a Leader for Academic Recovery

Harvard and Stanford’s Education Recovery Scorecard found Louisiana to be one of only three states where reading achievement exceeded pre-pandemic levels. The state’s math progress was praised as “remarkable” for surpassing the national average. Dr. Brumley also created the Louisiana Comeback initiative, a statewide, coordinated effort to recover learning loss caused by unprecedented disruptions from COVID-19 and five named hurricanes, ensuring students regain academic momentum.

Valued Teaching Professionals

Dr. Brumley launched the Let Teachers Teach workgroup to develop common sense solutions to unnecessary bureaucracies and classroom disruptions that keep teachers from doing what they do best — teaching students. The workgroup was composed of over two dozen teachers from across Louisiana and developed a set of 18 recommendations used to create policy and guidance to improve working conditions for teachers.

Dr. Brumley with a teacher
Dr. Brumley in classroom

Expanded Education Freedom

Education freedom opportunities have become more abundant for Louisiana families, including the adoption of the state’s first education scholarship account, LA GATOR. Louisiana ranked fourth in the nation and showed the most significant growth in the country on the 2024 Education Freedom Report Card. The state has cultivated a strong portfolio of options including public charters, non-publics, and home-study programs.

Launched Reading Revival

Dr. Brumley called attention to the reading crisis in his state and took action with a comprehensive plan based in the Science of Reading called Louisiana Literacy. The state’s literacy policies have been recognized by national education experts such as ExcelinEd and the National Council on Teacher Quality.


Redesigned High Schools

Louisiana is committed to personalizing high school for each student, guaranteeing them a deliberate handoff to high-wage work, higher education, or service. Louisiana’s revised accountability system makes career education a foundational pillar and, for the first time ever, rewards schools when students complete work-based learning or enlist in the United States military. Louisiana’s Fast Forward initiative allows high school students to graduate while simultaneously earning career credentials, apprenticeships, internships, associate degrees, or completing courses leading to a four-year degree.

Developed Freedom Framework

Louisiana’s newly adopted K-12 Student Standards for Social Studies focus on a Freedom Framework honoring the nation’s achievements while recognizing its ongoing pursuit of a more perfect union.
Dr. Brumley talking to a class
student wearing graduation cap

Achieved Significant Gains on State Assessments

Louisiana students have earned the most significant year-over-year increase in state assessment scores since 2016, with students improving in both English Language Arts and math.

Safely Returned Students to In-Person Learning

Louisiana was among the first states to safely return students to in-person learning during the pandemic. The state’s COVID-19 mitigation efforts resulted in the third most aggressive school reopening plan in the U.S., according to the American Enterprise Institute.

Teacher working with student
Hurricane Damage

Supported Post-Hurricane Educational Recovery

Dr. Brumley coordinated education recovery efforts through five named storms, including the second and third largest hurricanes in Louisiana’s history, ensuring schools and communities were supported during the aftermath. Facilitated development of the LDOE’s first Hurricane Preparedness Playbook to support school system leaders before, during, and after a hurricane.

"In Louisiana, where I’m the State Superintendent of Education, we’re disrupting the status quo. Last year, we adopted new K–12 Social Studies Standards that tell the story of America’s greatness, along with our strides towards becoming a more perfect union."

Louisiana State Superintendent of Education Dr. Cade Brumley offers advice on how other states can mirror the work taking place in Louisiana to fully commit to teaching children the story of American freedom and restoring excellence in history and civics classes. Read his full guest column for the Thomas B. Fordham Institute